Who we are
We are a local fellowship of Bible-believing Christians who gather together (Mat 18:20) on a regular weekly basis (Act 2:42,Act 12:12,Act 14:27,Act 20:7) for worship, ministry, bible study, prayer, gospel, and other Christian privileges and responsibilities. We have no denominational affiliation and we answer to none but God, seeking to adhere to and live by the principles of His revealed Word (Jn 1:14,2Tim 3:16).
We have called the building the "Gospel Hall" not to denote some denominational or other allegiance, but because this is one of our main occupations. The Gospel is preached in simplicity each Sunday night and in special series of meetings throughout the year for any and all who wish to attend. We have a strong focus and emphasis on the Gospel message (Mk 16:15,1Cor 9:23) and seek to reach the unsaved wherever and whenever possible with the message of hope and peace in Christ.
You and your family are welcome to visit us for any of our scheduled meetings or simply go to the "Contact Us" page if you have any questions or seek further information. No public collections or appeals for funds are ever made.
What we believe
We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. We believe that this Word is sufficient to meet all of our spiritual needs (2Tim 3:16), that it is completely reliable, and that we, as Christians, are meant to act upon it. We study the Bible literally in context and seek to practice all that is revealed to us as best as we are able.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal, only begotten Son of God (Jn 1:1, Jn 3:16). That he is God in the flesh (Mat 1:23, Jn 1:14), the Word of God (Jn 1:14), co-equal with the father (Mk 2:7,10), and that “Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that he was buried; and that he hath been raised on the third day according to the scriptures (1Cor 15:3,4).”
We believe that all mankind is under the curse and bondage of sin being born in Adam (Ps 51:5,), and that “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Rom 3:23).”
We believe that the shed blood of Christ (Heb 9:22) is sufficient for the forgiveness of the sins of all mankind. We believe that his suffering of death on the cross and resurrection on the third day has brought those that will be saved from death into life (Jn 5:24) and made us righteous in him before God (2Cor 5:21). We believe that God has made provision and given fair opportunity for the salvation of every man, woman, and child who is now alive or has ever lived but we believe that not all will be saved (Jn 3:16, Gen 18:25b, Mat 7:14).
We believe that salvation comes by grace alone through faith (Eph 2:8). Salvation cannot be earned and we are helpless to work it out on our own, rather salvation must be received as a free gift of God (Rom 6:23) in that He has given us His son to be the propitiation for our sins (1Jn 4:10).
We believe that those who are saved should obey the Lord in baptism as a public identification with the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ (Act 2:41, Rom 6:4).
We believe that all those that are saved make up the universal church which is the body of Christ and that no man, principality, or power outside of Christ can either add to or take away from that number (Jn 10:28, Col 1:18).
We believe that those who gather together locally on a regular basis in the name of Christ alone are the local church; the “epistle” or testament of Christ in that locality (2Cor 3:3). We believe that the doctrine and Christian conduct of this local testimony must be guarded and maintained in truth with grace by those local brethren that God has raised up and approved to be elders or overseers.